Sunday, December 18, 2011


Once again another warm beautiful sunshine day with blue skies and a cool gentle breeze with temps in the low 80's. Thankfully the humidity is no where to be found. The garden is loving this weather especially the dark green leafy vegetables.

The morning was another laid back time with sleeping in after "big mouth" next door did his crowing. Nancy has acquired my congestion so she is stopped up in the sinus's and has a tickle in the throat as well but no fever. It seems the Z pack along with no workouts have helped me get over this crud as well. Little Sam shared his runny nose well as we think that's where it came from.

I drove Amy and Family to the airport for their flight to Kansas around 11:00 AM but they were in for a long day especially Ava and Sam. Seems they had to lay over in Nashville before getting into Kansas City around 6 PM our time then another 5 hour drive to Hays by auto, sure was a long day for all of them. Sam and Ava did well on their flights as we were concerned because of his cold and his ears able to catch up with the pressurized plane. I remember many times in the USAF we had to take the cabin pressure back up so we could clear our ears by valsalvoing(holding your nose and blowing) and then keeping them clear while dropping in altitude especially when you have a head cold.

It was close to 80 when I dropped them off at the Delta departure gate and the temp in Hays, Kansas was 27, Yikes that will be a big contrast for them as Sam and Ava love to be outdoors. They will be gone until the 28th so they will have a nice visit with Tyler's family. I'll look after his garden as its doing quite well especially his bush beans, they are producing as well as his lettuce. After dropping them off I headed home and we had a bite of lunch then just chilled the rest of the day. I had a leaky valve in the shower so I took both valves out and replaced the seats on the end of the valve stems which thankfully took care of that problem. I then cleaned out some old files with tax forms from the early 2000's and shredded them making room for this coming next years forms.

Also received in the mail a notice that we Social Security recipients are getting a 3.6 % yearly cost of living adjustment; of course already they(govt) has raised our medicare insurance rate as well as all of the utilities will once again raise their rates. I wonder if this is a vote buying gimmick for this present administration to stay in power as we have gone 3 years without a COLA and now in an election year they decide to give us one. ALL politicians in my book are the lowest on the totem pole of folks with any influence.

Well I cut a couple more heads of broccoli from the garden and we steamed that along with some tater tots in the oven and a bratwurst for supper. Yumm!!! I got into watching the History channel about moon shining in Appalachia and its really an interesting show with the local volunteer fire chief as one of the moonshiners; kinda like a reality show that goes back to the beginning of our country. The show also takes the enforcement side as well from the govt prospective of all the tax money they are losing because of the 'shine being sold illegally. I'm ambivalent about who you want to succeed as shine making goes way back to the area where I grew up. My dad still has a jar of shine that was made back in the 30's and the newspaper article that surrounds the makers execution and the sheriff he shot and killed. This occurred just down over the hill from where I grew in Virginia, very interesting, by the way the shine is still crystal clear and looks like it was made yesterday after being over 80 years old.

Today is Sunday and we are getting ready to head over to Tampa for worship with son, Bobby at Element Church. We will get to love up on Annsley and Gabe as well.LATER

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