Saturday, December 17, 2011


Well once again another beautiful day for winter in Florida. The temps were up around the high 70's and down into the low 60's with lots of bright sunshine and blue skies. The humidity is tolerable so we still have the windows open but close then at nights. My congestion has eased and I feel almost back to normal and now Nancy has it in her head.

I laid around and rested most of the day reading while she went to her Friday morning Bible study. Amy brought Sam by for me to watch him while she attended a school function for Ava. We played cars and trucks and I read the same books he loves to listen too. We had lunch together after Ava and Amy came then Nancy had a hair appointment so everyone took off for their naps. I did the same after vacuuming as we were entertaining Dan and Carol for supper.

Nancy made a huge pot of spaghetti sauce using lots of my fresh herbs from the garden along with a little Italian sausage that has fennel in it, wow does that ever add to a great tasting sauce. I made a huge fresh garden salad using my; cukes, beet greens, kale, romaine,Bib and Simpson lettuces, basil and dill with a green pepper as well. The only store bought was a little spinach and cabbage. Yikes was that ever a great tasting salad. I have lots of tomato's but none are turning yet so we did without any red on top.

After supper we played Sequence which was different for us as there were just 4 players but we played the best out of 5 games and the gals won by hair in the 5th. With just 4 players the game really is fast and the board nearly fills up before any winners, actually makes for a good game. That's the first we had played since we played in the mountains in August.

Well we had some good news for our mountain friend Mechelle's ailment so continue to keep her as well as Nancy's dad in your thoughts and prayers. The doctor found the cause of her condition and it is correctable with surgery; her dad's heart is not functioning properly due to the fluid buildup but she spoke with him today and he seems to be in a better frame of mind.

Amy and her gang is heading to Kansas for Christmas on Saturday so we miss them for the holidays. They fly out Saturday afternoon so we will take them to the airport and say goodbye. I know Tyler's family is getting excited about seeing them and they won't recognize Sam as he has really grown up since they last saw him. He is jabbering away as well. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers for safe travel as well. LATER

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