Thursday, April 14, 2011


Well it was another nice morning with cool temps in the 60's with bright sunshine and clear skies as I rode out to the rec for pickle ball after my quiet time and a bowl of oatmeal with fresh strawberries. We had a good showing today until a couple general female players arrived then the quality of play went quickly south, but since we are a public rec there is little we can do but play with them. After the good 2 1/2 workout I checked in at the weight room for some 100 crunches before pedaling home to work in the the back yard.

Nancy took off for her workout and I worked on some tools as I had to head over to her folks to cut some bushes and trim some dead limbs from their orange tree. We had lunch with them as did Amy and the grand babies. After those chores we stopped and picked up a small table to go with the 2 chairs for the front porch. I set the sprinkler on the garden which was shaded by now then settled down to read until it was time to pick some fresh kale for the Zuppa soup for supper. Amy and the grand babies came to eat then after supper we headed outside to water and play in the front yard. Sam just loves getting his feet wet as well as does Ava.

Well not much else is going on as we have a Dan and Carol tomorrow for supper then we are off to spend the night in Tampa watching Annsley and Gabriel, LATER

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