Sunday, April 3, 2011

Saturday on Sunday Morning

Well the day was just magnificent with cool temps, no humidity and bright sunshine. I opened the windows up and they are still open as I write. This is most unusual for April, but we love it. I saw on the web cam for Roaring Gap yesterday(Sat) the ground was covered in snow, Yikes no wonder its cool here and my home town(Winchester, Va) also had some snow on the ground as well as freezing temps. What happened to all those global warming scientist??

After our quiet times Nancy made some buckwheat pancakes and I did a couple poached eggs so we had a "mountain breakfast." Actually we have cut down on the meat for breakfast and the fried spuds as well. Anyhow after eating I headed out to check on the gardens and to get ready to run some errands for GG and Pap, which we did around 11AM. After our trip to Home Depot we came back and had a pizza with Amy and the grand babies. Tyler called and was on his way home from Orlando after spending a week there for his work but was delayed due to a flat tire and a low in air spare.

We had an early supper with just a garden salad as Nancy was headed out to watch her mother sing in a concert. I stayed home and ran the sprinkler for the garden and yard and of course watched the NCAA tournament as well as the Rays lose their second game. We sure miss the big sticks that got away and of course the pitching as well. I think it will be a long season. I almost forgot to mention our old friends the Carlsons came by for a short visit on Friday as they were in Florida after moving permanently to N.C. They never regretted that move and have a beautiful home near Winston-Salem. Their youngest daughter, Morgan is a freshman, wow where did the time go??

Today is get ready to head out for worship at the gathering in Tampa. We will be bringing Annsley back with us so she can play with Ava the afternoon as we are celebrating Pap's 87 birthday with a turkey dinner and all the trimming at our house this evening. Should be a fun time and of course too much to eat. Will comment later, LATER (I still haven't figuered out what I did to change the format with paragraphs, hopefully Tyler can fix that this evening, sorry about the run on)

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