Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Well it was a routine morning with my quiet time before a boring bowl of oatmeal with a banana then a ride on the bike to the rec for some 2 1/2 hours of pickle ball. There were 4 of us the first hour or so then a few more dribbled in to where we had 10 for the day. Afterwards I played 5 sets of ping pong with some very good women players, but managed to with my pardner, Priscilla win all 5 sets. Afterwards I headed home on the bike for garden time before eating a lite lunch.

The nice rain we had Sunday kept the ground moist enough I didn't have to water. We had about 3 inches an about an hour on Sunday night. Nancy was busy with baking and decorating Ava's birthday cake as today was her 4th year. Wow where did the time go??? We left the camera at Amy's last night after her dinner of; grilled marinated chicken, Greek potato salad, corn on the cob, pinto beans with fresh scallions and the cake. I passed on the cake and ice cream but I surely wanted it. The supper was very good and GG and Pap was there along with the GAB(Betsy). We got Ava her first 2 wheel bike with training wheels plus dolls and clothes. It looked like Christmas especially with all the gifts from Kansas and other family members. She was in her glory with the clothes as well.

The Lightning won last night and will send the playoffs back to Pittsburg for the deciding game on Wednesday. LATER I will post some birthday pics tomorrow.

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