Friday, April 15, 2011


Well it was another very nice day even though the temps reached the middle 80's. After my quiet time and the usual bowl of oatmeal I pedalled out to the rec for some couple hours of pickle ball. It was a lite crowd of only 8 or so with lots of good play. Afterwards I stopped off at the weight room for some crunches before heading to the library and then to the house.

Amy and the grand babies came for lunch then headed out around 2:30 as I got the smoker ready to put a 5 pound rib roast in around 3:30 for supper. My did it ever turn out great. I always picked a nice mess of 1/2 runner beans and a couple fresh beets to go along with sweet taters and the roast. Medium rare and was it ever delicious. After the clean up we go in a game of chickfoot dominos and Nancy won on the last go round. We had a great time of fellowship with Dan and Carol and on top of that both the Rays and Lightning won their games tonight

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