Thursday, April 7, 2011


Well it was another very nice morning with temps into the middle 60's with a heavy dew. The crisp fresh morning air reminded me of a N.C. morning but the day surely warmed by afternoon into the middle 80's. The humidity has returned once again so the typical Florida weather is present. After my quiet time and a litr breakfast I pedalled out to the rec for some 2 1/2 hours of pickle ball. Wow did we ever have some good play the first hour until the general players arrived. Sandy my doubles pardner came and we played together as we got ready for another tournament being held at our gym on the 26th of April.

After the gym I stopped off at the weight room for some crunches before heading home to pick some lettuce for a salad for lunch. Amy and the kids came for lunch and afterwards we played with them until it was time for them to head out. Nancy and I read and I caught a little of the last couple innings of the Rays game with the White Sox which they lost for their 6th consective game. We were eating out with the Botbyl's for supper so we chilled until it was time to head out. We dined on chicken picata, spuds, garden fresh green beans and a cucumber and tomato salad. After the clean up we palyed a game of phase 10 which Carol won on the last hand

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