Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Well it was a down right nippy this morning with temps into the low 40's, what happened to those 70's from last week?? By the afternoon I had opened the windows and doors and had to move out of the sun as it got rather hot. It was back to the 70's once again, and the afternoon was just splendid. Well after my quiet time and a bowl of oatmeal with fruit I pedalled out to the rec for some pickle ball. We had a much limited crowd with mainly players with more experience and expertise and what a great first hour. Lots of wet shirts and some super rallies.

After PB I headed home to work in the garden and already by then the temps had risen 20 or more degrees and actually I was sweating while pulling weeds, feeding my new seedlings and transplanting new plants. Yikes was it ever nice as I shed my sweater for just a tee shirt. Amy and the kids came for lunch and they had a salad while I chowed down on some leftover deer steaks, yumm! After lunch I headed back outside to the garden an worked there until the kids left for their afternoon naps. Nancy took off on her neighborhood walk and I started a new read while sitting in the sun outside under the oak. Wow was it ever nice and the sun was so hot I had to move into the shade.

We decided to eat the left over lasagna from Sunday for supper as all we had to do was microwave it and I had the last of the salad as well. It's house church tonight, meeting at our place so I vacuumed and Nancy dusted just before every one's arrival around 7 PM. Well not much else is going on so it's LATER.

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