Monday, February 14, 2011


Wow, was it ever one of those beautiful Florida winter days, however the morning started out with frost everywhere, except on my garden. The roof tops and cars in the 'hood as I pedalled out to the rec after my quiet time and usual bowl of oatmeal with fruit was just coated with the icy white stuff. After 2 1/2 hours of pickle ball I stopped by the weight room for a weigh-in and I'm still maintaining with no gain after the weekend. Good-bye belly fat(I hope)!!!The temps had risen to the low 60's and by afternoon it was pushing 70 and the rest of the week it will be in the low 70's and precipitation.

Well after stopping by the library on the way home from the rec I was saddened to learn the librarian, Pat Bartell age 85 had passed away a couple days ago. What a neat gal she was and one would never know she was in her 80's. She use to go to Texas every year to cook on a chuck wagon for her daughter and family for the annual fall cattle roundup, she even invited me to accompany her one year, only wish I had taken her up on that invite. She will be missed.

Well after Amy and the kids came for lunch I headed to Clearwater court house to pick up a copy of our marriage certificate so Nancy could renew her drivers license on Wednesday. It seems now all renewals are under the jurisdiction of homeland security, oh well!!! I stopped and had the grill gas tank refilled on the way home just in case we were low on gas for the grill. Tonight I grilled a couple 3/4 inch rib eye steaks for supper with some sauteed Swiss chard and beet greens, my oh my was that ever good along with a fresh garden salad. Nancy added a sweet potato to her plate but I passed as I'm trying not to eat protein with a starch, Yummm!!!!

Well not much else is going on except I transplanted several bib lettuce seedlings as my romaine lettuce is starting to go away. My that has been one super great crop of lettuce and one of the most nutritional as well. The tomato's are still producing and the green beans are really setting as well. LATER

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