Thursday, February 3, 2011


Well it was just another overcast cloudy warm day but around 3 PM the sun was seen for the first time in 2 days. The morning was the usual with my quiet time and a bowl of oatmeal with some fruit before pedalling out to the rec for some 2 1/2 hours of pickle ball. We had about 12 players and some really good play initially before the general players arrived about 9 AM. After PB I pedalled home and we got ready to head out to Sam's Club to gas up and get the goodies needed for making Bobby's 30th birthday dinner on Sunday evening. We will have cousin Arrianne visitingwith us from Miami as well. On the way home from Sams we stopped and picked up some fresh veggies and strawberries at the fruit stand. We came home and had a fresh garden salad with the rest of the smoked turkey as Amy and the kids had gone to GG and Paps for lunch.

After lunch I climbed up on the roof with rake and the blower and began cleaning off the dead limbs, twigs, leaves and acorns that had accumulated over the summer and fall. I had quite a pile of debris and took the lawn mower to mow them up and then placed around my plants in garden for mulch. Afterwards the sun came out and I sat in the warm sunshine for an hour reading before it was time to pick herbs for supper. Nancy made parsley potato's, fresh asparagus and salmon cakes for supper as Amy and the kids ate with us.

Well today was my son's 30th birthday and it's hard to believe he reached that milestone so suddenly, wow where did the time go? He has certainly made us proud of him. Happy Birthday Son. Well there is not much else going on for today as we just finished giving baths to Ava and Sam. They are so cute together in the tub and that boy is like a slippery worm while trying to get him dressed. LATER

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