Sunday, February 6, 2011


The morning started out with a sleep in until nearly 8 o'clock after the feathered alarm clock next door began his crowing around 5. Fortunately we were able to put that aside and snuck a few more moments where he actually shut up. The temps were rather warm in the 60's but eventually after the overcast skies began to drizzle and rain the temps slowly went south down into the low 50's. It still was pleasant enough considering what was happening north of us. After our quiet times Nancy took the left over parsley taters and fried them up and then we each added a couple poached eggs on top with some toast and black raspberry jam. Yumm!!! That held me until supper except for a handful of almonds around 4 PM.

I worked in the garden until the rain started which was around noon or so and decided to put together all of my paperwork, receipts, etc so I can file my taxes for this past year. I spent most of the afternoon checking and rechecking figures and just organizing that mess. We were have the family, actually just GG, Pap, niece Arianne from Miami and Nancy's sister Betsy for supper along with Ava and Sam, as we were babysitting them so their mommy and daddy could go out for their 6th wedding anniversary. Wow they took in Bern's steakhouse in Tampa. That's the top place around these parts and they boast of having the most complete and largest active wine cellar in the world. Yikes is that a nice place but to high dollar for my pension. Oh well I grilled pork chops with the bone in and had a fresh garden salad, GG made mac and cheese and broccoli/ cauliflower and a chocolate cake. I stayed away from the dessert although it was a tough decision, tomorrow Nancy is making blackberry cobbler from some mountain berries we had frozen from last summer with vanilla frozen yogurt on top for dessert as per Bob's request.

After supper we just sat around and listened to Arianne's tales and watched her slide show of pictures. We bought a tent much like a tree trunk and Ava and Sam just love it so that helped to keep them entertained until bath time. It was a fun evening and tomorrow we celebrate Bob's birthday with another family dinner so we will add 4 more to the gang from last night. Nancy made a lasagna sauce all day which just permeated the house with a delicious smell so we are looking forward to chowing down on that just before the super bowl starts.

Well I'm writing this on Sunday morning and its in the 50's and overcast with a chance of rain. We are getting ready to head over to Tampa for worship at Element Church. Come on down!!!LATER

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