Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Well it was once again another beautiful day and it started out with another N.C. morning. The cool crisp morning with lots of dew and the birds were singing their songs. The gym was closed at the rec so I just did and hour workout on the elliptical and on the crunch board. Needless to say my tee shirt was soaking wet as I burned about 600 calories. After the rec I stopped by the library and picked up a read before pedalling home.

Nancy decided we should get our Sam's shopping for the week out of the way as Amy and the kids weren't coming for lunch but for supper. After Sam's we stopped at her folks house where we raked and bagged leaves for about an hour. GG made her famous bacon, egg and onion sandwich for lunch. My was that ever a good eatin'. We made a vegetable stand stop for some strawberries, onions, egg plant, garlic and limes before heading home.

All the 12 or so big black bags of leaves we raked from her folks yard I brought home and took the lawn mower and mulched them down to about 1/5 the original amount. It was a dusty and dirty job but those oak leaves make the best soil once my worms break it down plus the acidity in the leaves make for good soil ph. After mulching the bagged leaves I then mowed my yards and picked up another couple trash cans of leaves and them mulched them as well. It was after 4:30 by the time I finally hosed off all the dirt and dust. Amy and kids came about 5:30 for supper.

Nancy fixed salmon cakes, fresh carrots and yellow rice for supper as well as a salad. Once again another good meal and with all the activity I was hungry. After the cleanup from supper we played with kids until it was time for them to head out for their baths. Sam was starting to get fussy. He is walking a little more each day but still gets around quickly with that one leg scoot. Not much else is going one except we had another St. Petersburg police officer shot and killed last evening; the bad guy hasn't been arrested yet. Also it seems New Zealand was rocked by a major earthquake and the price of oil is skyrocketing due to all the unrest in the middle east. This last bit of info is for my grand kids to read when they get older if we are still here. LATER

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