Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Yikes the cold weather is back but not real cold anyhow after my usual quiet time and oatmeal with some fruit for breakfast I pedalled out to the rec for some pickle ball. Yeow it was a bit breezy as well but I managed to get there without freezing up. The skies were overcast until the afternoon and then it cleared off and a stiff breeze took over.

After the rec. I transplanted some bib lettuce seedlings before getting ready for Ava and Sam along with Amy for lunch. I picked a huge colander of kale, beet greens and 2 kinds of lettuce and Nancy cleaned it and made a great salad for lunch with some of my 'maters and all the other stuff. Yeow was that ever good eatin'. I played with the kids until it was time for them to head out for their naps around 2:30. After they left, Nancy did her hoofing around the neighborhood and I finished up a good read about a 12 year girl who got into this Goth movement and became intimate with a 23 year old guy who murdered her parents; she even cut the throat of her 6 year old brother all because they(parents) restricted her from these people. Yikes what a sad situation and these Goth's are for real when it comes to violence and the influence they exercise socially on certain teenagers.

Well we decided to have some chicken fried deer steak for supper along with some milk gravy I made from the dripping and placed that over white rice. I also picked a bunch of Swiss chard and sauteed it with fresh garlic in olive oil, oh my what good eatin' that was. Many thanks to our mountain buddy Andy for this superb meat.Well that's about all for this day as its time for Fox news then Bill O'Reilly. LATER

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