Sunday, August 15, 2010


Well it started out as another warm one but no rain so we decided that after out quiet times and a light breakfast we would pick up grand daughter Ava and head to Redington Beach. Neighbors Dan and Carol were taking their grand son Shane so it would be a good outing for the little ones as well as for us. Well I should have realized last week that after I went swimming with Annsley and my calf muscle began to ache and throb later in the evening that swimming was not good for that prior strained muscle.

Well I did a bunch of swimming in the Gulf and it felt fine until late evening when a constant ache nearly drove me crazy. Finally after icing it again, eating ibuprofen like gum drops and wrapping it with an ace bandage I feel a little relief. I managed a little sleep Saturday but still is aching this AM. I'm debating if the trip to Tampa for Element is the smart thing to do. Oh well if this is what you get with old age I'm over it. I've always been a fast healer and seldom have I ever been layed up but this has been going on for a week. I guess playing pickle ball twice last week didn't help so I'm considering laying off this whole next week. I need to be able to walk up and down the cabin property as well as drive 700 miles next week end.

We had a good time at the beach and ran into fellow pickle baller Ric and his wife Marcia there as well. The kids had a great time as did we until the late afternoon when that muscle began to act up. We kept the grand kids while Amy and Tyler had a date night with dinner and a movie out. I did receive a little comfort while watching the Ray's finally get back to hitting the baseball and defeating the Orioles 7-3. The Bucs were some comfort as well in the first half with the first stringers as they beat the Dolphins but ended up losing the pre-season by a close score with 4 turnovers. Anyhow if the league is as good as the Dolphins then we have a chance to be better than our 3-13 record from last year.

I hate to just lay around or take it easy as that's not my nature but the thought of not being able to hike, saw wood, do garden work and just walk up and down stairs and hills has me thinking about what I should do this next week to get ready to head back to the cabin. Work is my relaxation up there so I will have to give up one of my joys for another and that's pickle ball and swimming. Our mountain mom says the deer have just about eaten the garden up but there will be lots of other fun things to do beside gardening as we hope to be able to spend a couple weeks there before having to head back for the birth of our second grandson, Gabriel. Did I mention Samuel has 2 teeth peeking through on his lower gum. LATER

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