Monday, August 2, 2010


Wow we has a down pour last night just after we went to bed, it was a frog swallower. Anyhow the day was a hot and humid one with 95 and bright sunshine at times. After our quiet times we got the boys up for some egg sandwiches when Amy called and needed Nancy to come over to her house as Ava wasn't feeling well. We're not sure and neither is doctor if Ava may be getting a UTI from a bad case of diarrhea but she has been lethargic the past couple days wanting to rest a lot so that made us suspicious as well. Anyhow the doctor gave her an antibiotic to see if that clears it up.

After breakfast the boys and myself walked to the rec and they watched to see what pickle ball was all about then they played in the game room with another cousin, Braden who came down and spent the day as well. They had a great time together. I did beer brat's for supper and GG made Greek potato salad. We ate at GG's then took Eric to the airport for his flight back to Michigan, the boys(his son's Evan and Pat) will be here until Sunday when they ride back with their friend John.

Well the Rays picked up another win tonight beating the Twins 4-2. Not much else is happening except Pap seems much better as he is becoming his old cantankerous self again. LATER

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