Saturday, August 14, 2010


Well once again another Hot and muggy day, but that is typical of Florida this time of the year. The rain held off yesterday. After our quiet times and our typical bowl of boring oatmeal we did some little things around the house and put some chicken breasts in a marinate for dinner this evening with neighbors and friends Dan and Carol. Nancy did her signature oven spuds as well as a great fresh salad(store bought) but yummy and Carol brought cauliflower in a cheese sauce. The dinner was great and we sat around afterwards until after 9 and caught up while watching the Ray's get it handed to them with another shutout by the worse team in our division,the Orioles. Yikes whats going on with the boys of summer??

Nancy, Amy and the kids took GG shopping in the morning and they came back for lunch. We played with the kiddies until it was time for their nap then after they left we chilled as I placed an ice pack on Nancy's thigh and did some hot, cold treatments on my calf. We aren't sure how we both ended up with strained muscles at the same time, but we both seem to be recovering albeit slowly.

Well we are heading to the beach this AM for a couple hours with Dan and Carol to work on the tan and maybe get a little exercise walking in the surf. We are watching Ava and Sam this evening as their parents to a date night before we head out next Sunday for the cabin.LATER

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