Saturday, August 7, 2010


Well we actually slept in until 8 AM, that is quite unusual for us as the internal alarm usually is set for 6 or so. The morning found us getting ready to say goodby to our house guests for the past 9 days, our nephews Evan and Pat who are 2 of 11 kids from her brother Eric have been visiting so as to get a little grand father time in with Will(Pap), Nancy's dad. We did what we could to entertain them but there wasn't a whole bunch to do as it was so hot and muggy outside, anyhow we did get some rec time in with them.

After breakfast I mowed the front and back yards then pulled a few weeds in the garden before heading out to the rec for about an hour workout on the elliptical and slant board for crunches. I had a good wet shirt by the time I stopped off at the library and then rode home on the bike.

We had a lite lunch as we were planning on a big family celebration at the Acropolis in Riverview. This was our second time there and the food was plenty and delicious and Ava and Annsley just loved the OPA dancers, throwing of napkins and breaking of plates. There eyes got so big when a long line of dancers came out and wove their way around our tables. It definitely was a fun time had by all and thanks again Bobby and Amy for making my birthday special with dinner and a gift card. We said good night to the Ross's after dinner as they headed back to Seminole and we headed off to visit Bobby's in laws for about an hour. Brian and Susan(Jill's parents) remodeled a fixer upper house in a nice neighbor and have done a first class job. The house has changed so much both inside and out and is very nice.

Well it seems Nancy has either pinched a nerve or pulled a muscle in her left leg and is having a lot of difficulty walking, sitting and especially getting in an out of the truck so we may be having a home worship service tomorrow. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers. I gave her an ultrasound treatment when we got home and hopefully with some rest she will feel better tomorrow. Well will close for now, LATER

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