Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tuesday on Wednesday

Well I'm still a "kicking"as us ole' country folks relate about the status regarding our health. I did do a first yesterday in over 20 years of living. I actually went to see a doctor about my chest congestion. I didn't have the normal symptoms for the flue I just could not shake this feeling in my chest of tightness and a cough that would not produce any phlegm(lugies). I felt good with no aches or pains I would tire easy after 2 hours of play, plus I still had my appetite. Nancy put her foot down and forbid me to play PB until this cough got better. To make a short story long I was prescribed with Azithromycin which believe it or not made me worse. Now I'm sneezing, runny nose, coughing with red eyes. WOW go figure!!! I jut heard from a friend in the medical field which indicated the medicine is working by breaking down this infection and that's why all of this crud is leaving my body. Hooray!!!!

After leaving the doctor's office I kind of laid around and read until it was time to leave for Tampa Airport to pick up Eric, Nancy's brother who flew in from Detroit for a week. We got back to G/G's and Paps house around 6 PM and she had a roast turkey dinner with all the fixin's. Smashed spuds and gravy, green beans out of my garden, frozen cranberry casserole(AMY made) and 2 kinds of stuffing's and a huge fresh salad from my garden. The GAB brought by 2 platters of shrimp cocktails so we had a feast. We set around and talked until it was time to watch American Idol then we headed for home. The whole time I was there I was progressively going down hill with sever coughing and sneezing.

The night found me up several times and I was beginning to wonder what was going on with my body. Throughout the night I was having a hard time with the nose actually running down my face and now coughing up crud. Each time I got up I would take a Vit C and a glass of water which actually made me feel better. This morning I'm about ready to take my second round of medicine so I'm wondering what will happen today. Hopefully I can knock this crud out and get back on the court. To all my pickle ball friends I shall return but probably not till next Monday. Nancy is made demands I must obey, in other words if I want to eat I had better listen.

I got a call last night just after we got home around 10 PM and our good friend and neighbor in the mountains, Ray Todd is to have a second hernia operation this morning in Elkin, N.C. Keep him in your prayers as he has some real health issues with his heart among other maladies. Well will close for now. LATER

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