Monday, April 27, 2009


Well the day started out the usual way with my quiet time and a lite breakfast before I headed out to the Rec. for pickle ball. I got in 2 good hours of play then stopped by the library on the way home. After lunch I dug around the large oak tree in the back yard to check for roots growing under the house foundation. Last year I had some major root extension but cut them out so this year only a few spider like roots. I cut them out with a shovel.

Nancy and I are without Amy and Ava this week so it was quiet around the house. We had left over Kansas beef burgers for lunch. Wow what a difference in taste of home grown meat. I read for a couple hours before I picked a couple of white egg plants that Nancy fried up for dinner along with a couple of yellow squash. We then had a fresh salad and made that our dinner. Well not much else going on so LATER.

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