Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saturday on Sunday

Wow the air temperature outside this morning(Sat.) was very comfortable and even a bit cool, actually the humidity was gone so that made it feel cool. The bright sunshine made for the start of a beautiful day. I'm still suffering from this cough deep in my chest but feel a little stronger than the day before. After my quiet time and breakfast I picked a nice mess of green beans, cut lettuce and hand watered the garden.

Nancy and I were getting 3 racks of ribs ready for smoking. She was coating the ribs with a new rub and I was greasing up the smoker and soaking the hickory wood chips. We got them in the smoker about 11:30 then just laid back until the company came for dinner around 5:30. I kind of just took it easy reading and cat napping. We were were disappointed with the new rub and the outcome of the ribs. They just didn't have the good sweet taste we were use to and besides they were a little to HOT even for me. Now I like the HEAT but these were just too HOT. Our guests liked them so when they left for home most went with them. We kept some of G/G's potato salad which really set the Greek salad perfect for today's lunch after church at Element.

We had a super time of worship with Bobby at Element this morning, once again he had a great message and music. We really don't mind the 45 minute drive which is just a little longer than what we drive on Sunday in the mountain's to Cornerstone Church.

After dinner last night we watched the NCAA playoffs. Of course Eric(Nancy's brother) lives in the Detroit suburbs so he was happy Michigan State did so well and of course I pulled for the Tar Heels and they whupped up on Villanova. Monday nights game should be a good one and even rowdy with opposing camps at the dinner table. Go 'Heels!!!

Well I took my last antibiotic on Saturday morning but I don't think I'm anywhere near over this infection in my chest. Maybe I can talk the doctor into refilling this drug or prescribing a different one. Anyhow It looks like I will have to be off pickle ball for a while longer. That stinks!!! Will talk at you LATER

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