Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday was another usual morning with quiet time and oatmeal breakfast then off to the Rec. for pickle ball. I managed 2 hours of hard play but was bushed when I got home. I can still feel the effects of that chest congestion from all this pollen in the air. I laid around after watering the garden and read until it was time for Amy and Ava to give me a ride to church to help Nancy with the fellowship meal. Speaking of Nancy she is having a real tough time with this new diuretic drug for her blood pressure. We had to pick up a new real blood pressure prescription on the way home so she could start it today(Thursday). Nancy's fellowship meal was a real treat and possibly our last Shepherd's Pie prepared at SFBC as she is giving up that ministry when we leave for the mountains in May.

Thursday morning was the usual as well except for the breakfast as I ate Cheerios for a change along with banana. I did 2 hours of pickle ball then spent the rest of the day entertaining Ava and reading. The chest congestion seems a little better with not near as much coughing, Yea. Nancy fixed a pot of Zuppa soup for dinner which is my favorite with lots of fresh kale in it. Amy and Ava ate with us as Tyler is in Reston, Virginia for his job. He will be gone for a week. Well since not much is happening with us we are expecting a busy week end so will write on Friday. The new blood pressure medicine seems to have made a real difference immediately. Praise the Lord.LATER

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