Saturday, March 7, 2009

Friday on Saturday

Friday morning was another great example for a Spring day. Just enough moisture in the air that made it feel cool when you first went out doors. By the early afternoon you were looking for some shade as the sun was quite hot. After my quiet time and usual oatmeal breakfast I headed off to the Rec. for some pickle ball. After 2 hours I was tired. I will be happy when I fully regain my strength after that bug as I need to get back on the heavy weights. Oh well!!

Amy and Ava came for lunch and Ava and myself played outside for an hour or more. She just loves to pick flowers and shred the heads. She is an outdoor kid; playing with bug's(like Amy), pulling of onion leaves and actually biting them(she say's I like'm) and of course gobbling at the turkey next door and watching the turtle try to escape up the plastic swimming pool(like a hamster on the wheel). She went home around 2 then came back for dinner as Amy and Tyler went out for dinner. We gave her a bath and the kids stayed and played cards for a couple of hours.

We are getting ready to head out to the beach as its a beautiful morning. Talk at ya later.


farmrgurl said...

Pics! Pics! We need to see pics!

Jerry said...

Hey girl I will take some tomorow.We were going to take the camera this AM to the beach but left home with out it.Sorry. Glad to hear your all finished with your school away from home. Later