Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Well right on the button at 6 AM the dueling roosters started with their concert which really was okay by me as I had the alarm set at that time as pickle ball starts at 7:30. That gives me plenty of time for quiet time, breakfast and a ride out to the rec on the bike. It was rather nice outside at that time but nothing compared to the 49 degrees in the mountain. I yearn for those temps and out of this hot, humid and stagnant climate here in central Florida. Yikes, its down right miserable after about 11 AM.

We had a small showing for PB with only 7 players for the day and many of the regulars failed to show at all, but it was still a good workout for those who did come. After PB I stopped by the library then headed to have my ears lowered before heading home to dig up 6 wheel barrow loads of dirt from my gardens and sprinkle it around the front yard. All of the sprigs I put in last fall lived but the dang squirrels have dug up the yard so much many are too high above the ground so I added soil around them which I hope will cause them to spread. My shirt was completely soaked by lunch time and I never ventured out into the yard the rest of the day as it was too HOT. Nancy and I feel like caged animals; being stuck inside the house with the a/c.

Amy and the kids came for lunch and Ava is still in love with her schooling and of course her teacher and new friends. Sam is a little wild man, climbing and running with his toys but what a cutie and sweet boy he is. He is so cute when he says "pleeze and tank you", he is just a heart melter. After they left Nancy took off to buy Gabe his birthday presents at Toys are Us and I chilled reading. Nancy made a great skillet of sauteed garlic, fresh asparagus, mushrooms with grilled chicken breasts and pasta. Yikes was that ever tasty with squeezed fresh lemon on top.

We settled in after supper to the news with Shepherd Smith then little league baseball before calling it a night. We had a tremendous thunder storm after supper with wind, thunder, lightning and a downpour. The roof held so it was those 3 nails that had caused the roof to leak, we are thankful for that. The doctors cancelled Nancy's dad surgery on his finger as the swelling is going down and it seems to be getting better, thankfully. His kidneys are still not cooperating fully but he will know today if he has to start dialysis. We are hoping since he seems better to us that we can head back to higher elevations on Sat. or Sun. for a couple weeks.LATER

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