Monday, August 22, 2011


Well the roosters were active at 6 AM but I was getting up early so it didn't matter. After my quiet tie and a bowl of oatmeal I headed out to the rec on my bike for some pickle ball. We had a full house with 3 courts going as well as a few waiting to get on. After 2 1/2 hours of play I headed out to the library and picked up a couple good reads.

The book THE BOYS OF THE DARK is about the juvenile justice systems boys reform home in Marianna, Florida. Wow, what a read and what a black eye to those who knew about the brutality by the town people who worked there as well as those in the state government who brushed it aside.

After getting home from pickle ball and the library Amy came by with Ava and Sam for lunch. Today was Ava's first day of school and she didn't want to leave at noon, she said she couldn't wait to go tomorrow. That's a good sign. After lunch we played then the kids took off for home and we headed to the veggie stand. I spent the rest of the afternoon reading. Nancy was told by her father that he won't have to have surgery on his hand so that's a plus. Seems his kidney's are functioning a little better so there is the remote chance we may leave this Saturday for the cabin. Now we have to be concerned about this storm that's heading towards Florida and the Carolina's. We should know for sure by Thursday if there is this possibility of heading north by the weekend for a couple weeks.

We are chilling in front of little league games and the Ray's. LATER

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