Monday, August 22, 2011


Well we headed out to Tampa with neighbors Dan and Carl for corporate worship at Element Church. Our son Bobby is in Colorado so Ryan who Bobby has been mentoring lead the teaching. We renewed old friendships and of course got to love up on grand babies Gabe and Annsley. It was good to see lots of old friendly faces and we sure missed seeing many. After worship we stopped off at Cracker Barrel for a delicious lunch before heading home. The heat and humidity was almost over bearing. I'm ready to get out of this place and as I look back I now wonder how I managed to wear a uniform and work in this heat often outside doing investigations for 30 years.

We just chilled with Nancy on the social networking and I watched the Ray's come from behind once again to beat the Mariners and swept the series from them. While they are still in contention to make the playoffs we must hope either the Red Sox's or the Yank's go into a tailspin and crash. We then got interested in the Little League World Series and watched a couple really good games especially the international game between Japan and Mexico. Mexico won in their last at bats.

We skipped supper except for a lite sandwich as the lunch was a big one. We wanted to take an evening walk but the high temps and humidity was just too much so we did a few workout moves in the living room just to get the kinks out. I'm really looking forward to the couple hour workout on Monday at pickle ball. Anyhow not much else happened except we got a call from our "mountain mom, Helen" and she rubbed it in about it being a fall day there in the mountains. Cool temps and no humidity. We are anxiously awaiting some test results for Nancy's dad as he is scheduled for surgery tomorrow on his hands but his kidney function is at a minimal. So keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Also I spoke with Paw Paw and I could tell by his voice he was much improved and is anxiously awaiting for the end of the week as he will be cleared to drive again after the triple by pass. His minor problems according to him are improving and he wants to get back to his place and with his lady friend, Adeline.

Well not much else except we are keeping an eye on T.S. Irene which is fore casted to head towards Florida. Nancy and I both are really to leave this heat and humidity and except for family we would be gone for good during these summer months, LATER

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