Sunday, August 7, 2011


Well the morning started out with a sleep in until nearly 7:30, wow I have to cut this out as I really like the early wake up 'cause you miss the best part of the day; birds singing, dew dripping, fresh fragrance of the flowers and of course the stillness and never before breathed air. Nancy was singing "happy birthday" as yelp I turned 65 today, wow where did the time go, but I do feel like a recycled teenager as one card reminded me. After my quiet time and a bowl of oatmeal I headed out to check on the gardens.

Speaking of cards and well wishes there were several with goodies in them; gift cards, check, some funny and some very serious and even an e-card. I was dined the night before with family(Helen and Joe)and of course tonight with the ole' gang we ate; jalapeno poppers(Kimberly's specialty) that were excellent, conqueso and chip(Audine's), salsa and chips(Nancy's specialty) and then homemade peach ice cream(Eddie made) and a homemade birthday carrot cake. Yikes what a spread and we taught the gang a new card game; 5 Crowns(and we played it right). Eddie slaughtered us and I was the big loser in that game and then the guys put a real old fashion butt whupping on the gals in Sequence. That was a first in many a moon.

We did manage to get our hike in to the top of the mountain today as well as got the place edged and mowed. We had a couple sun showers which cooled things off a little but the temps were bearable except for all the menopausal gals with their hot flashes, anyhow a fun time was had by all and we broke up around 10 PM. Thanks again to all who sent me their birthday wishes, LATER

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