Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Well this morning when I rolled out about 6:30 I looked out the window and it was so foggy it looked like snow and it was at 32 degrees. Yikes everything was covered in white frost. Luckily I had once again covered most of my garden with sheets and blankets so once again it was spared. I did have some frost damage to the exposed leaves and limbs on the 'maters but basically everything survived and actually the beets, collards, kale, Swiss chard and lettuce look better. After my quiet time and a bowl of oatmeal with some blueberries I headed out to the rec in the truck for some pickle ball. Once again we had 3 courts going at once with a couple folks waiting to play. The games were highly contested and there were lots of wet shirts.

After the rec I headed home and the temp was up to nearly 50 degrees after starting out at 32. The day was starting to really look like a typical Florida winter day. I hand watered then spray fed all of the plants with a little miracle grow to give them a boost after all this cold, dry, windy weather. By the afternoon I had shut off the heat and open the door for some fresh air. I believe it neared 65 today and the next 7-8 days its supposed to be in the 70's and low 50's at night. Now I like that forecast.

Nancy took off after lunch to have her hair cut and colored so I caught up on some reading about the mafia. Good reading and pictures to go with it. What a bunch of brutal people. We were having just a house church meeting at 7 PM, after a supper of fried ham, potato cakes and the first mess of 1/2 runner green beans. Man were they ever good but the cold weather has put a damper on their growth for right now; but I believe they will come back and hopefully produce. Well its close to 9:30 and now the people we were to pick up at Tampa Airport just did a flight update and its after 10 PM before they are scheduled too land from Detroit. Originally it was 8 PM. Oh well!! LATER

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