Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I slept in this morning as I decided last night on the way home from Riverview with temp's in the 40's there was no need to push this deep chest cough by working out at pickle ball, so after a bowl of oatmeal with some raspberries and banana and my quiet time I stayed in out of the cold wind. It was down in the low 40's with a stiff breeze and cloudy most of the morning. Finally around 11 o'clock I ventured out to hand water the back gardens and pick a few green beans.

Amy and the grand babies came around noon for lunch and we kept Ava as she had a well baby check-up for Sam at 1 PM. He is nearly 20 pounds and almost 22 inches long and the doctor described him as healthy, fit and handsome. After Ava went home for their afternoon naps Nancy took off to the rec for her 30 minutes on the treadmill while I just staying out of the cold wind and read. My cough isn't as bad as yesterday but I still can feel a little rumbling deep down at times. I'm taking a whole garlic clove about 3 times a day as well as doubling up on the Vitamin C, so far it seems to be working along with not having a sweaty workout. I think one more day of resting and I should be back at play by Thursday.

Amy had us over for supper tonight with a pot roast, 'taters and carrots as well as Nancy made a fresh salad using some of our lettuce, beet greens and basil. Yumm what a great meal and Amy is becoming quite the cook. We or Nancy took some photos of the Ross Family for their Christmas cards while I attempted to keep both kids attention and tried to keep them smiling. It was cold outside on the way home but at least the wind seems to have died down, probably will have a frost tonight now that the wind has stopped blowing. Well will close for now, LATER

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