Saturday, December 4, 2010


Well its sure beginning to feel a lot like Christmas down here in the flat lands of the sub-tropics in Florida. I had to put on long pants yesterday and a long sleeve shirt, actually there is a chance of reaching the 40's tonight. Anyhow after my quiet time and a bowl of boring oatmeal with a banana and a little cinnamon I pedalled out to the rec on my bike wearings shorts but with an extra flannel shirt. I think I spotted a little frost in the exposed area near the library but saw none in the 'hood. Sure glad of that as the veggie garden is looking good and really starting to take off. After 2 1/2 hours of play I was sure glad this full week of play was over starting with the tournament on Monday, Yikes I love this game and those who are becoming so much better with daily play.

After getting back to the house I donned long britches as I watered the gardens. The air was cold as the wind is still causing the neighborhood flag to wave but the sun was bright so if you were out of the wind it was pleasant. While watering Bob and his family showed up from Riveriew along with Amy and her 2 little ones. We were getting together for lunch so the girls could play together and boy did they ever have a grand time. We got a few quick pictures just after all arrived. I had taken out some ground deer for our burgers on the grill and the girls decided they wanted beef burgers. So we cooked up some tater tots and burgers and my oh my were they ever dewisheous. The kids hung around until nearly 2 as the little ones where taking cat naps and the girls where in their own world of make believe with their dolls. Nancy made fresh chocolate chip cookies all had their fill as well as a bag to take home. I had to restrain myself while the smell permeated the kitchen.

We cleaned and tidied up as our neighbors Dan and Carol where coming for supper at 5:30. I was grilling marinated chicken breasts and Carol was bringing a bowl of salad. She is on this new diet so I at least didn't have to subject myself to the turning down of a dessert which we usually have on our get togethers. The meal was very tasty and light, no starches at all. Afterwards we cleared off the table and played a round of Phase 10 which Dan won and then 24 hands of Oh W(h)ell which I won. It was unusual for the guys to win both games We had a raucous time with much banter and laughter. It had been awhile since we last got together and was great to once again share good food and a fun time.

Well will close for now as I write this on Saturday morning and Nancy is thawing out sugar cured bacon to go along with eggs and buckwheat cakes for a hearty breakfast. LATER

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