Monday, June 9, 2008

Trip to Galax, Rainbow Trout and Sequence

Wow was it HOT again today.90 degrees for the 3rd straight day. We did get a small shower this evening that settled the dust and cooled things off a bit. I did a little more planting this morning before we were able to walk to the top. On our way back we ran into 82 year old Helen walking up to the top(she lives there alone with her 2 cats). We then headed to Hot Galax(95 there) and picked up a few supplies, paint for the rocking chair and checked on window A/C units(they were sold out). We came back and fixed 2 very nice rainbow trout for dinner (thanks to Caleb Dalton). He caught them Saturday. Yumm Yumm!!!! Around 7PM we went down to visit Grant and Shirley and to play Sequence.There were 10 people there and we had a raucous time as usual. Of course the boys won on the final game for the night. There was plenty of snack foods and Nancy made a delicious layered Taco dish. It's after 11 PM so better go missing our babies and grand babies.


Jodi said...

Just in case anyone wasn't aware...


Jodi said...

So check his cards. He'll try to distract you, like a magician. Don't be fooled.