Monday, June 23, 2008

Hiking twice today, relaxing and Dan keeping the squirrels and rabbits on the run

Today was a relaxing day with not much of anything going on. Just enjoying the fresh air, sunshine and gentle breeze with our Florida friends, The Botbyl's....... After the usual start with checking for deer damage and none was found.The yard and garden got a good drink last night after a midnight thunderstorm. The rain was hard for a short time and the lightening was fierce......After a Quiet Time we had a lite breakfast while Dan and Carol slept in. We finally hit the trail around 10 AM and walked for about 1 1/2hours. The girls found a semi - comatose lunar moth and both girls thought it would look nice as a pin on their tops...... We had some awesome salsa and chips for lunch(the chives, jalapeno peppers and dill came from my garden)then kind of relaxed reading(Dan), sun bathing on the deck(Nancy and Carol) and myself working in an around in the garden. Dan managed to whack a few squirrels and a rabbit with a BB gun. No injury to them but its fun to see them run and hide. After an early dinner of left over smoked chicken, macaroni salad, salsa and regular salad we took another long hike. This time we walked to the very top(old Lundquist Place) what a stroll that was..... We came back and decided it was smores time so a nice campfire was made and we indulged ourselves. It was after 9PM and we decided in order to get an early start for our adventure trip to Lexington tomorrow we would turn in before 11PM... Just got word of the blog for the summer camp youths to Lakeland where our son, Bobby will be speaking.... Missing our babies and grand babies and all our family. Later

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