Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Brrrr this AM, 2 good hikes, woods bench installed long with 20 bean poles

What a cool morning this AM!!! Down to 48 on the porch at 7 AM and breezy.That wind really made it feel like winter in Florida. Nancy had on her sweat clothes all day and I wore the flannel shirt until lunch. The skies were cloudless with bright sunshine. After our morning ritual of checking the garden and flower beds for deer damage we retreated to the warm cabin for our quiet time. Afterwards we were able to get on the Internet(rare occurrence these days) and check in with many of our favorites. After breakfast I hand watered all of the new seedlings and vegetable plants...... Nancy emerged from the cabin dressed like it was Alaska. We headed up the back trail from our cabin(we no longer use the road because our neighbors have 30+ pit bull dogs)which is quite steep.I later came back after lunch and did some pruning on the bushes and trees that line this trail,as well as cut some steps into the bank with a hoe. We saw Fred Fuller, who is building a large new home on top and spoke with him momentarily, before noticing how much colder it was on top because of the wind. Down on the back side road it was definitely warmer. It seems on top its always; hotter, colder, and windier than down below at our place...... The hike took us through an area which had recently been logged. What a mess these loggers(all loggers) leave behind with so much waste and a complete change of scenery. It will take several years before the undergrowth will grow tall enough to hide this devastation......After the hike it was time to set my bean poles for the 1/2 runner beans. These are the best tasting green beans you will ever put in your mouth. Hopefully by the 4 th of July we will have our first mess....After a great lunch of a leftover catfish fillet and salad I headed to the back area to install a bench seat....... I had cut down some large pines last year and allowed them to cure(the sap or rosin is gone). I then wedged the pine log between 2 trees that were about 4 feet apart. Next I took a finished board and fastened it to the top of the log. This bench seat will be there permanent but I will be able to take the board you sit on off for the winter.....Nancy spent all afternoon painting a cabin scene on a board. She really does a good job. She has painted(created) many scenes for our cabin and they just make our place more unique. I later helped her by cutting out the frame and painting it for her..... Dinner was a good potato soup and salad as the evening was brisk in the shade. After doing the dishes we headed out on a final hike of the day and actually came in the cabin before dark which is very unusual. It will be another extra blanket night. Later, missing all of our families and especially the grand daughters.

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