Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Well it was another nippy start to the day with temps in the low 30's and it was overcast, actually it sprinkled a little just before we got up. Speaking of getting up I had our mountain mom, Helen call us at 6 AM when she awakens so we could get back in the swing of things with an early start instead of getting up at 8 AM. After she called at 6 AM I told Nancy and myself I'm retired so who cares when I roll out especially when the temps were in the 30's. Anyhow I finally told myself 7:30 was a good time to get up and when I checked the temps I wanted to get back in between those flannel sheets.

After our quiet times Nancy sliced some spuds and microwaved them before frying them and then adding a couple fried eggs on top, yeow was that ever good eatin' for a hearty breakfast, especially when adding a little red pepper. After breakfast I headed our to take the seedling out from the warm basement into the cold yard for a little sunshine, but we never saw the sun all day except for a few briefs moments where we could see its silhouette. I decided since the air was cold, overcast and no wind it would be a good day to burn some brush. Actually I cleaned up the back yard area in the woods where limbs, sticks and debris had accumulated for the past couple years. I hauled about a dozen golf cart loads of debris through the day to the fire pit which I started on a couple of huge stumps that had been pushed out when I had the property cleared off in 1993. These stumps where huge and played a major role in making it difficult when Norman my neighbor came down to retrieve the split wood a couple weeks ago. We had to wrap a chain around them to remove them from partially blocking the trail as we moved the trailer loaded with wood. My golf cart managed to move around them but the trailer being a bit wider got hung up and we had to unload the trailer so I felt it was a good time eliminate this problem all together. The stumps were just about burned up by supper time.

I almost forgot to mention around 2 o'clock we headed over to Helen's to saw up several trees that had been blown over and were in her way of cleaning her upper lot. I spent about an hour sawing them down and up and Nancy piled them so she could burn them at a later date, it made for a good break during the day. I did my good deed for the day for someone other than myself.
Nancy and I did 2 hikes today and on the final hike around 4 o'clock we ran into neighbors Fred and Brenda on top, we chatted for a few moments before continuing on as the temps seemed to be dropping once again. Nancy made a delicious supper of chicken piccati with a fresh salad, Yumm!!! Well not much else is going on as it's supposed to rain tonight and turn to snow flurries and some accumulation for Friday with temps in the low 20's and the high of 32, Yikes is this Alaska?? Actually we would like a couple inches just so it would make for a complete 4 season's of weather, but locals here are already crying about this cold winter weather. I don't blame them for being depressed with this weather after all the cold and snow from last winter.LATER

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