Monday, November 15, 2010


Well it was another gorgeous day with temps in the high 70's and low 60's this AM. After our quiet time and a lite breakfast of oatmeal with a banana I jumped on the bike for my ride out to the rec for some pickle ball. We had at one time 18 players and the play was fast, furious and continuous for 2 plus hours. Wow was there ever a ton of wet shirts. Afterwards I headed home to hand water my garden. I now have lots of blooms on my beans and tomato's and have the radish seeds I planted 3 days ago up.

Amy and the kids came for lunch so we got in some good family time with them as we missed seeing them on Sunday. After a lunch of left over pizzas and a fresh salad I headed out to work on the front yard. I'm having to dig up the yard as the oak tree roots have taken over and I can't get any grass to grow. I'm planting grass plugs where I have removed the roots and what a job that is as I don't have a roto-tiller and I'm doing all this by hand. I finished up 5 trays of plugs which has 18 plugs per tray and after the kids left we headed back to Home Depot to purchase 8 more trays plus a couple bags of red cypress mulch for the inpatients we planted on Friday. I also found some sweet green onion seedlings and picked up a bundle of about 50. I was "plugged" out for the day so we mulched and then I set out the onion seedlings and then fertilized the rest of the garden as well.

I grilled a couple bone in pork chops and Nancy microwaved a couple sweet 'taters as well as some fresh store bought broccoli for supper. I have broccoli, kale and Swiss chard seedlings that need to be set out later this week as they are just a little to small right now. If these warm temps stay for awhile it won't be long until they will be ready to harvest as well.

Well other than Nancy's aunt Darrell receiving several severe injuries from a fall on Sunday at her residence in Pennsylvania everyone else seems fine. She is getting up there in years and it will take her a long time to recover so keep her in your thoughts and prayers. LATER

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