Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Well today was a really busy one with pickle ball after our usual routine of quiet times and a lite breakfast. We had a good 2 plus hours of work out on the court and I left with a wet shirt; a good sign for me as well as many others. I pedalled home to work outside in the yard and garden until Nancy called me for a lunch of salad. She did her thing on the treadmill while I transplanted about a dozen Swiss Chard's and 1/2 dozen kale seedlings I had brought back from the cabin a couple weeks ago. I still have 5 red pepper seedlings to put in the ground as soon as they get a little bigger. The broccoli plants are looking good as well as the replant of the sugar peas which are up along with the radishes and sweet onions. I picked a handful of young tender beets greens for our salad and were they ever tasty along with some fresh basil, hummm!!!

After lunch I jumped on the bike and headed over to Amy and Tyler's to water his garden which is coming along nicely, he should have green beans to eat by the time they get back from their holiday with his family in Hayes, Kansas. I hand watered my new plugs and pulled weeds for an hour or so in the front yard before heading to the back yard to dig up a vine and replant it to the fence on the turkey side of the yard, hopefully it will live and help to hide some of the trash this neighbor has piled everywhere along with all of their critters. The critters are fun but old rusted bicycles and everything else from canoe's, piled up tree trimmings, toppers, cages, etc are such an eye sore its embarrassing.

We got ready after the yard work to head over to Bob and Jill's to look after the kids while they went out to celebrate their 7th anniversary at the Cheesecake Factory in Tampa. We had such a good time with Annsley and Gabey, he is really a little porker with over 5 pounds gained in 2 months, I see a chance for a linebacker position in the NFL at this rate. We had a great time and Bob made a scrumptious homemade pizza for supper. The kids really love their bath time and of course Annsley and Nancy were just pals as they played together. We shared lots of laughter as she is so smart and knows the ending of all nursery rhymes as I tried to fool her with different endings. We left there around 9 o'clock to head back to Seminole which is about 50 miles away.

Well it was a busy fun day and we are heading back over on Thursday as Bobby likes to have all of the family there for a tradition which started a couple years ago. We are sorry to hear Susan(Jill's mom)won't make it as she is in the hospital for surgery on Tuesday so we will just have to take her a plate. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers. I will enclose a couple pics from Monday's visit. LATER

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Great pictures! Annsley is such a beauty. Gabriel looks just like Bobby! Love the chin dimple. I know you're having fun cuddling him.