Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Well it was another beautiful warm with a little more humidity day in sunny Florida. The day started out the usual with our quiet times and a bowl of oatmeal with some mountain grown blueberries and a banana. Afterwards I headed out to the rec on the 10 speed for some pickle ball. We had a good crowd with about a dozen or so players and by 10 AM I was ready for a break. After leaving the rec I did some hand watering and Ava had joined me as her mom, Amy and Nancy headed out with Samuel to do some shopping. The Ross Family is leaving Friday for Kansas to spend Thanksgiving with Tyler's family so some cool weather clothing is at the top of their shopping list.

Ava and I did some watching of Toy Story 3 and what a tear jerker, its a must see and after the girls got home from the mall we had a bite of lunch. I finished up the last of the venison salami on bread with mayo, mustard and onion, yeow is that ever good eatin'; the girls ate their deli ham. Thanks to Andy Dalton for fixin' me up with such good eatin' vittles. After lunch I headed out to work in the front yard, boy am I ever glad this lot is 60'X 100' ft. I spent a couple hours just preparing the dirt to accept our grass plugs. The water company came by to re-sod the area where they removed our old meter which by the way had been in the front yard for over 31 years, anyhow they left me a few extra pieces of sod for my poor pitiful yard. Nancy and I planted almost 80 grass plugs before calling it a day, she acts as if it's the toughest thing she has done in awhile and is vegetating on the couch after her shower.

We had a great chicken on the grille along with some parsley spuds and cooked broccoli and carrots for supper, yumm!! I did the clean up and then got ready for some FOX News. Both of us are a little tired of course I did 2 plus hours on the pickle ball court and she did her 30 minutes on the treadmill after walking to and fro from the rec. Ava and Samuel were so cute today with her make beliefs and his now getting up on his toes while attempting to crawl.

Well tomorrow is hump day with a trip to Wal-mart to return some kids clothes we purchased in Galax and then to Sams Club for some fixin's for tomorrows house church dinner. Please keep Nancy's aunt(her mothers sister) in your thoughts and prayers as Aunt Darrell isn't doing so well as she fights for her life in Pa. LATER

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