Thursday, November 25, 2010


Well it's a warm breezy day here in sunny Florida as we get ready to head over to son Bobby's house this afternoon for a big dinner with family and friends. I spent the morning after our quiet time watering the gardens and the front yard plugs. The garden is doing great and I picked enough beet greens to share with neighbor Carol last evening.

Well we were able to see Nancy's high school band from Seminole, Florida on the Macy's Day parade this morning as they were one of only 12 featured bands, what an honor for those group of high schooler's and for Seminole.

We have the windows open with a nice breeze and its just delicious with the smell of pumpkin pies baking in the oven. We are taking 2 pumpkin and 2 pecan pies with Pioneer Woman's whiskey sauce as well as spinach dip, green peas with white onions and mushrooms. GG and Pap are riding with us and she is making her famous dried stuffing and candied yams. I think I may take a bottle of homemade blackberry wine as well. Well it should be a day of renewing friendships and eating lots of high calorie foods.

Nancy and I are so thankful for our family and friends and all the blessings that GOD has made possible for us to share. LATER

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