Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Well I was awake early this morning as Nancy was conducting her symphony while in the horizontal position, yikes am I a lite sleeper. After our quiet times and a lite breakfast of banana bread with a cup of hot green tea I got ready and pedalled out to the rec for some pickle ball. We had about a dozen or so players and we played hard for about 2 1/2 hours. After pickle ball I hand watered the garden until it was time to head out to Sam's Club.

We did some last minute shopping for our turkey day dinner at both Sam's and Publix's before heading on back to the house for a late lite lunch. After lunch I headed out to finish watering the gardens and front yard with all the grass plugs. I sat out in the yard and read for about an hour before it was time to pick collard greens and put a couple pork chops on the grille. We finished up the left over turnip casserole along with the last of the parsley spuds to go along with the sauteed greens. Yumm good eatin' even it the taters and turnips were left overs.

Boy am I tired tonight especially after the work out this morning on the pickle ball court. LATER

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