Friday, November 19, 2010


I was up at 5:30 and headed out to pick up the Ross Family and head to the airport for their flight to Kansas. Ava and Samuel were wide eyed and ready to go and visit with their other grandparents for about 12 days. We will see them again on the first of December. I got back from the airport in time to have my usual bowl of oatmeal before heading out to the rec for some pickle ball. We were a couple players short from our usual group but the play we had was fast and furious for 2 plus hours. It was a little chilly this morning as I rode out on my bike. Nancy headed off to her weekly Bible study class at SFBC around 10.

After pickle ball I rode home to water the gardens and the newly plugged front lawn. We hope to finish in tomorrow as we still have about 80 plugs to plants. I worked over the little bit of Bahia grass still showing some color by cutting the roots with a hand and foot tool and loosening up the compacted ground, then fertilizing and watering, whew will I ever be thrilled when this job is completed. After Nancy came home we had a sandwich before heading out to Lowes to pick up additional mulch, then off to the cultural center to purchase tickets for the Nutcracker Ballet next month for the girls; GG, Nancy, Amy, Jill, Ava and Annsley. The girls are so into ballerinas.

We made a stop at the veggie stand before heading back to the house. I transplanted 11 broccoli plants into the side garden then replanted a couple herbs. We got ready about 4 o'clock and headed to GG's for supper. She had a lasagna and a fresh salad for supper. After the clean up we played 24 hands of Oh Well before heading out for home. Its starting to cool down nicely after a hot day but with no humidity. LATER

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