Thursday, November 5, 2009


I must say this has been an interesting day. The morning wasn't as cold as yesterday but with the wind blowing it felt colder.When I wakened this morning I noticed a little discomfort on the left side of my upper molars. It seems the past couple of days a molar was very sensitive to hot and cold. I naturally associated that with working outside in cold air and of course having my hot cup of green tea in the morning. I didn't give it much attention as the sensitivity would come and go but this afternoon 2 teeth from what I assumed was the sensitive tooth began to be very pressure sensitive with just the tip of my tongue. Well wouldn't you know it the dentist we use up here is closed on Friday's; plus we are planning on leaving here on Sunday morning for Florida. So far Tylenol and Ibuprofen have made it bearable. I just hope its not the start of something more serious. Luckily Nancy had some Amoxicylin from and abscessed tooth she had extracted just before we came to the mountains in May.

After our quiet times I had leftover buckwheat cakes for breakfast before heading to put my seedling out in the sunlight. While waiting for the outside temps to warm up I called all of our creditors and did the address change back to Seminole. The reality of having to leave here became all that more evident. I've been keeping my new seedling's in the cellar at nights because of the frost and cold nights and then setting them out in the sunlight as the mornings temps warm. These seedlings will go in my garden when we get back to a warm Florida. I also plan on digging up my parsley plant and transplant it as well. I still need to finish digging up my beets tomorrow.

Well we headed up the mountain around 11 as the temps finally reached the middle 40's. It was a windy chilly hike but the sun shining made for a pleasant hike. Walking in the crackling leaves is a sound we associate with cold weather and one we seldom get to hear. Sure reminded us along with the bare trees that winter was upon us and once again it was time to leave the mountain for the warm climate of Florida.

After a lite lunch of leftover chili we got ready to head over to our friends Eddie and Kimberly farm. Eddie is recuperating from shoulder surgery and Kimberly is still having a difficult time mending from her broken ankle last summer. I scooped up 12 -5 gallon buckets of horse manure for the fishin' worms in my compost bin. Next spring I will use this compost for potting all of my plants.

Well its time to call it a day as darkness closed us in at 6 PM. Yuck!! This time change has our internal clocks messed up. LATER

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