Thursday, July 7, 2011


Well after a long night yesterday the Smith family left early this morning. We really enjoyed their visit and wish them well. Bob and Jill slept in until after 9 as we played and fed the kids breakfast. I fried up bacon on the grille and then we had dippy eggs along with some toast with black raspberry jam. We never did get around to taking a hike for the day so starting Friday its 2 a day to catch up with all of the exercise we've missed since Sunday and because of all the great meals we over indulged.

Bob and Jill after a light lunch took off down the mountain to a winery and we took the kids out on a golf cart ride to the top of the mountain. While Gabe took a nap I picked wine berries and Annsley and grandma played games and watched movies. Today was the first day in over a week that we didn't get those severe thunderstorms in the early evening. It sure looked like we were in for a deluge but it fizzled out and the sun came out and the evening turned nice; just in time for the departure of Bob and Jill with the grand babies back to Florida. They will drive all night and hopefully get back to Riverview in the early morning hours.

We ate spaghetti and meatballs along with a fresh salad for supper as Nancy had frozen a dozen or more of meatballs and we had tons of sauce left from Sunday's supper. The meals this past week have been just great and the spare tire is starting to show again.

Well I got word from both sisters, Josie and Dee about Paw Paw's condition relating to his heart. Seems he is scheduled for a triple by-pass on Tuesday morning at the VA Hospital in downtown D.C. so we will head to the Winchester area on Sunday morning and stay a few days with sister Dee and husband Mike in Woodstock. Well better get out of here as its early(before midnight) to bed for a change, oh by the way the Ray's are beating the Yankees 5-1 in the ninth inning. LATER

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