Sunday, July 24, 2011


Well it was another warm day but the afternoon thunderstorm with hail and a downpour which dropped 1 1/4 inches of rain in about 20 minutes was a real temperature changer. The morning started out with a sleep in until 7 then a lite breakfast after our quiet times before we got ready to head out to Cornerstone for worship. We had a large crowd today with several new faces and we were missing some regulars especially one sweet lady in particular who is battling cancer. Keep Sherry Edwards in your prayers and thoughts as she is battling this terrible disease and it seems to be getting the upper hand as of right now. Also continue to keep Paw Paw(dad) in your thoughts and prayers as well. I spoke with him this morning and he seems to be getting stronger each day and is looking forward to going home.

After church we made a quick stop at Lowes before heading home for a light lunch. After lunch I dug up my garlic as the plants had dies and strating going to seed. I got several nice bulbs and will get the bed ready for the seeds to be sown in the next couple days. I had noticed several Yellow Jacket(bees) flying in the space between the outer boards around the window frame of the bathroom, well needless to say I went to war with them and killed about 50 with a fly swatter as they entered and exited this small space. I helped to slow them down when I inserted a folded piece of newspaper in the crack so it made for easier killing, although a couple did chase me onto the porch a couple times but survived without any stings. These are the meanest, nastiest bees and will sting and bite at the same time over and over again, so I have this love/hate relationship. I hate the bees but love to kill them one by one. After darl I removed the paper and sprayed an insecticide into the space then replaced the paper hoping that will kill the nest and any bees left inside.

Helen our mountain mom came for a nice visit just after the worst of the storm had passed. She shared pictures of their last week-end family reunion in the Outer Banks area of N. Carolina. We had a good visit and I picked her a mess of collard greens as well as a spoon tomato. Well after supper we took off on our hike to the top of the mountain. The temps were in the low 70's and it was still cloudy with just a little sunshine. We saw the Browning's, Sarah and her pooch Penny and the Fuller's with their pooch Rico. Well its another busy week as neighbor Gerald is coming up to his cabin after spending the week in New York for a family wedding

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