Thursday, July 7, 2011


Well its a little before 7 AM and the Smith Family(Brad, Elisha, Addie and Nathan)just left for their next adventure with her relatives and his get ready for 90 days of schooling at the FBI academy in Quantico, Va. The Smith's were college room mates with Bob and Jill at Palm Beach Atlantic and haven't been in touch in years. We had a fun time with lots of games, good eatin' and an encounter with a nest of Yellow Jacket Bees of which Addie and I got stung several times. That encounter left us both hurting and we got revenge after dark with a Molotov cocktail down their hole in the ground. Revenge was sweet but we suffered long and hard for several hours.

We did manage to take the kids fishing at our "mountain moms" pond for some pics and their first experience of catching fish. The worms we were looking for (when we stumbled into the bees nest) proved just to be the bait needed as we caught several large blue gill and a few small bass. We "kissed" them all and but them back into the pond for another time but had lots of squeals of laughter and a few frightened moments with flip-flopping fish.

We did golf cart rides and kept the kids entertained with water coloring, wagon rides on the porch and deck during the rain that fell in the early evening's everyday. The meals were out of sight with Bobby adding his special touches.

I received a serious call from my oldest sister, Josie(Sharon) about our dad(my uncle) also know as Paw Paw that he had suffered several minor or small heart attacks over the 4th and drove himself to the Veterans Hospital in W.Va on Tuesday morning. He has since been transferred to downtown Washington, D.C. where a catherization detected some 3 blocked arteries and a triple by-pass maybe in store for next week. So keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he is 83 years young.

Annsley is now reading sentences much to the amazement of us all as she is not yet 4 years old and can pronounce words that leave us wondering just how smart she really is. Gabe is just a sweet smiling boy. He is such a happy boy and loves playing with a ball that he will do it while crawling around on his hands and kneesfor hours. He also is a super eater and especially veggies. Bob and Jill will leave after supper this evening and let the kids sleep on the way home while they drive all night. We did the same thing when he and Amy were little as it was so much easier on the kids but took a day to recover, at least Jill drives whereas Nancy could never stay awake to drive; but that was a long time ago.

This cabin has been jumping with late night games of Sequence of which the gals won again last night and Balderdash of which they won that as well. We finally called it a night sometime after midnight but those youngsters were going strong catching up on old times.

Well I will post some pictures and of course some on Face book, LATER

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