Saturday, July 30, 2011


Today was a busy day but not a whole lot accomplished; however I did manage to finish with neighbor Gerald's artistic weld the homemade handle for the ice cream maker of our "mountain mom's". After our quiet times and a bowl of oatmeal with 3 fruits I headed out to water the gardens before meeting up with Gerald to work on the road into our cabins.

This is a private road so we(those who have cabins and property) are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance. About 1/2 or more of those who have access to the road help(money and labor) with the upkeep but just a couple actually do the work and Gerald does the most work as he has a tractor with a scraper. Anyhow we met around 9 AM to move(by hand) a large load of stone into the drainage ditches to help stop erosion and before that I trimmed lots of branches, limbs and briar's that were starting to intrude into the drive area of the road and any over hanging branches. It really started to get hot around 11 so we called it a day for working in the sun and heat until we get another cooler day.

I did a few little jobs around the cabin while Nancy was at the beauty salon getting her hair cut and colored. It was really getting hot and the temps soared close to 90 once again so there was very little to do except work in the basement and on the porches out of the direct sunlight. Well I decided to work in the shade on the back porch staining the walls. I managed to get about 2/3 thirds of the porch stained before calling it a day.

Nancy put together one of my favorite dishes for supper using Zucchini squash and dill from my garden called Zucchini pie. We used our last pack of frozen ground deer meat instead of hamburger fried up with onions and green pepper for the base then mixed all this into sliced sauteed squash and dill. She next places this in a baked croissant roll glass dish and then puts cheese and sliced tomatoes on top. My oh my is that ever good and whats weird is I like it to cold pizzas the next day if there is any left overs. Yikes is that ever good eatin' and especially when most of the ingredients you grow or known who killed the meat.

Well after supper we cooled down watering the plants then headed down to Gerald and Jodi's for a game of Spades which the gals won and the a game of domino's which Nancy won(and I was the biggest loser) at least I was sleeping with a winner!!! Well we head back around 9:30 and it was still in the 80's so it was time for cold showers, reading and bedtime, LATER

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