Friday, October 29, 2010


Well it was nippy this morning with temps into the middle 30's but the wind was blowing 10-15 mph so it made it feel like the temps were in the 20's. After a hearty breakfast of buckwheat cakes and eggs for breakfast I ventured out in the cold to get ready to head up to the top of the mountain to help Norman with getting his winter wood split and stacked up underneath his porch.

I along with Joe helped split several chords of woods and then we headed down to Joe's house to help split his wood as well. We finished up around 3 PM and headed down off the mountain. I managed to dig 2 loads of dirt and spread it in the front flower beds before we took off on the golf cart to the mailbox.

Nancy made a great white bean soup in ham broth with cornbread muffins along with a fresh garden salad for supper, Yumm was that ever a good meal on such a cool evening. Neighbor Gerald came and ate with us as well. The temp has already dropped to 42 degrees and the wind has died down so it looks like we will have a heavy killing frost tonight; so I dug up a couple volunteer tomato's in my compost pile, potted them and put them in the basement for the night with the few seedlings I had left. I also covered my basil and thyme plants with plastic 5 gallon buckets in hope's the frost won't kill them.

Well I have the gas heater going and its warm and snug here in the cabin as well as a couple sheets hanging in the stairwell to keep the heat from rising up to the upstairs. Wow what a difference it makes with keeping the heat downstairs. Last night Nancy put our flannel sheets on the bed and what a difference that made when crawling in between the sheets, Ahhh!!LATER

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