Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Well I can't believe it, I finally was zonked out until after 7:30 in the morning, yea!!!That is such a good feeling for a change as I went to bed at 10. I'm finally starting to feel like I'm retired, I love the early morning hours but waking up at 6 or earlier everyday is just too much. After a cup of hot green tea and my quiet time I cooked up a nice bowl of oatmeal with a peach, couple strawberries and a handful of blueberries and a little cinnamon, Yumm but I still miss those brown free range eggs, grits or 'taters and the famous buckwheat cake to start the day.

It was in the 60's, overcast and the call was for showers off and on all day and they were right for a change. After feeding the new seedlings and transplanting some lettuce into bigger pots I cranked up the golf cart, grabbed the hoe, shovel, rake and pitchfork and headed to the dirt pile in the back gully where I dug 10 loads of dirt and hauled them to different areas of the yard in the back. I had some really rough spots that were so uneven so that was my big chore today. I finished up around 3:30 with only a short break for a peanut butter sandwich around noon. I feel whupped as I'm not use to all that digging, shoveling and raking at one time. Hopefully we will get a nice soft rain tonight and really wash all that dirt into the grass.

We ate the leftovers for supper; oven 'taters, baked beans, cold slaw and hamburgers from last nights dinner as well as the banana pudding for dessert. Man those burgers were the best with a big ole' slice of Vidalia onion, dill pickle and mustard, Yeow!! After supper we headed out to the top of the mountain and hooked up with the Todd grand boys, Carson and Carter on their grand dads golf cart. What characters these two are as they followed us or out ran us to different areas on the trail; of course we were walking and they were riding.

After heading back to the cabin we decided to ride out to the mailbox to get our mail and who would we see at the mailboxes, Carson and Carter once again. They were waiting for their grand ma as she was coming home from work. We visited with Audine and the boys before heading on back so I could check the gardens for slugs. Well I picked off a dozen or more and squashed the slimy little buggers. Well darkness is falling once again so will sign off, LATER

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