Monday, June 14, 2010


Well I rolled over this morning and slept in until 7 o'clock which is really unusual as my internal alarm has me awake before 6, oh well. After my quiet time I headed out to check on slug damage and believe me they can do a lot in one night and of course many of them were still on the plants. The second best way of doing them in is to squash them; either with your fingers or flinging them on the ground and stepping on them. I would think as sticky as they are there should be some commercial value for their slime.This evening after our walk which we didn't take until 7 o'clock,we came back and I started checking plants and I know I picked off 25 of them from one of Nancy's flowering plants. I picked, squashed and stepped on at least a hundred or more until it got so dark I couldn't see them. I added another "slug motel" with a wet bar in the front flower bed. Hopefully they will fill up the can of Budweiser over night. I purchased some poison specifically for slugs today at Walmart and spread it as directed but the slugs acted like that was dessert as they crawled in and over it to get to the plants, Oh well!!!

We did a trip to Galax, Va around 10 this AM and didn't get back to the cabin until 1:30 after making several stops. It was 86 in Galax and 84 here but shortly after eating a bite of lunch the skies darkened and the wind came up and a steady rain fell for about an hour and dropped the temp's back to 70 and once again made it pleasant. I sat out on the porch and read for an hour while it rained, before transplanting some new marigold seedlings I planted a couple days ago. It was close to 6 before we ever started on supper as we had such a late lunch. I grilled a couple pork chops(bone-in), microwaved a couple sweet 'taters and Nancy made a fresh salad. Good eatin'.

Well we got a conformation on our guests arriving Wednesday afternoon so we will not only be getting ready for them but also getting ready to leave out of here about 4 AM on Friday morning as we head back to Florida for Fathers Day and to visit with family and especially grand kids.

Well I have about a dozen little green 'maters, cuke's are blooming and the green onions(scallions) are ready to eat. Not much else is going on with the veggie's as the peas, lettuce and okra are wiped out by the slimy slugs. Not sure if anything will be left when we are scheduled to return in about 8 days. LATER

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