Saturday, February 27, 2010


Well it was certainly another cold night and most of the day with rain and overcast skies but eventually it cleared off with bright sunshine. After our quiet times Nancy made our famous mountain breakfast; buckwheat cakes with a banana and blue berries in the batter, smoked turkey bacon and an egg on top. Yikes, is that ever good eatin' and good fer' ya, as well. That's my mountain lingo.

After breakfast which was nearly 10 AM we headed out to the drug store to fill Nancy's muscle relaxer prescription and to try another dietary supplement for the popping and cracking in her neck with muscle soreness. A physician on the 'net advised to take glucosamine sulfate with MSM which may reduce and even eliminate that problem. We are certainly praying it does. I'm still giving her at least 2 massages with ultrasound treatment as well. Wow was it ever a wet and cold morning. We just stayed in catching up on some reading until early afternoon when the sun came out. The Ross's came by to pick up a package that came in our mail from Kansas for baby Samuel and Ava. We then headed out to Millenium Park.

Ava rode her trike on the raised boardwalk while we walked the nature trail. We are hoping all this walking will send Amy in contractions to speed up Samuel's arrival, but so far no luck. After the long walk we took Ava over to the play ground equipment so she could swing and run on the raised slides and walkways. It was after 4 when we headed home and the temperature had finally reached 50 degrees.

We read until it was nearly 6 so we just heated a frozen pizza and had a salad. We both read until after 9 and I finish another true crime read titled DEATH BENEFIT by David Heilbroner. Its a good read and some great investigating by a non criminal lawyer who set out to help a fellow church member in the death of her 19 year old daughter who was pushed off a cliff in California back in the 80's.

Well tomorrow is worship at the gathering in Tampa at Element Church. Later in the evening we will meet at G/G's and Pap's for the celebration of Nancy's 53 birthday on Wednesday the 3rd with a family dinner. Should be a good one with pork roast, sauerkraut, kielbasa, smashed 'taters, etc. Well better go as its time to hit the sack, LATER.

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