Monday, February 22, 2010


Well it was another shorts and t-shirt day, even though it was cloudy at times. Temp's stayed up into the 70's most of the afternoon. After my quiet time and a lite breakfast of oatmeal and blue berries I pedaled out to the rec for some pickle ball. We had some some great play the first 1/2 hour or so until the rest of the general players arrived which turned out to be around 15 players. There were lots of wet shirts.

After PB I headed home to hand water the garden and hang a load of laundry before heading up to neighbor Dan house to turn over an 8 ft X 12 ft space in his back yard for a small garden. I used a shovel and it took about an hour. This is the way I turn my gardens over in the mountains but with a lot more effort because of the hard packed earth. It usually would have taken less time because of the sandy soil but not this time as the ground was full of broken asphalt pieces and rocks. Someone must of used that area of the yard for the dumping of the debris which was about a foot under ground, anyhow we should be able to get some plant growth from veggies with a little top soil mixed in.

Amy and Ava came for lunch so we finished up the deli meats and cheese on the hogie rolls from Saturday's lunch. After eating Ava wanted to ride her bike so we made a few rides up and down the sidewalk until she wanted to watch her new movie. I headed out to the back yard and garden and trimmed some freeze dead plants and flowers. It certainly feels like Spring garden planting time; but this week end its suppose to turn cold again with temps down in the 30's although I don't believe we will see anymore below freezing temps here this year.

There is no movement on "baby Samuel" and his debut with us, but we are anxiously awaiting his arrival. Our long time friends Alan and Jenny Sherouse just celebrated the arrival of their first born son, John Daniel "Jack"this morning around 10 AM. He wasn't due to arrive until the 6th of March but showed up early. We are tickled for them and his new grand parents, our long time friends and former pastor Craig and wife Beverley.

Well not much else going as we are headed to Oldsmar tomorrow after PB to pick up another table and 8 chairs for the E-Kids at Element. My how they are growing in numbers mainly due to the super dedicated volunteers and great kid programs. Wow its exciting to be in on the ground floor with new ideas and such enthusiastic leaders for our kids and grand kids. Dinner tonight was superb with salmon patties, buttered spuds and steamed cabbage. I of course added dried red pepper flakes to my cabbage and spuds, does that ever wake up your taste buds. It looks like the root canal I had back in January is not completely healing so I'm back to the dentist on Wednesday. Enclosed are a few pic's of my garden patch and the turkey who lives next door. He's quite the strutter.LATER


Jodi said...

That's a great picture of you, Jerry! The one at the top of the page! HA!

ohn Daniel "Jack"...REALLY? They are going to call him JACK DANIEL?

Hey, you want chicken poo for your garden at the cabin?

Jerry said...

Lol, Jodi,I told sometimes Jerry is a real turkey. Lol
Oh and normally we don't want any of your crap but...Chicken poo would be lovely. Bring it on up to the cabin., Jerry said it's the best kind...N.