Thursday, February 25, 2010


Yikes!!!what happened to that beautiful warm Florida weather? It's supposed to freeze here tonight with frost. I know I shouldn't complain with our mountain friends facing below zero wind chills and more snow. What happened to all of these naysayers???

Well the ride out on the bike this morning was nippy to say the least after my usual breakfast of oatmeal, fruit and quiet time. We had a big crowd with 15 plus players but had some great play early and then again after 10. I stopped off at the library and picked up a couple books one that I've had on hold since it was released, GOING ROGUE by Sarah Palin. There is no doubt after reading the first 200+ pages she is truly a patriot and has nothing but deep love and concern for this nation albeit she first started out in local politics and it just mushroomed into the national arena. Her story is just what America needs to reflect on in the importance of family and faith. She is truly a unique ordinary individual with a real desire and hope for America.

Well Amy and Ava came for lunch and she rode her bike for just a few moments before she got to cold and wanted to stay in where it was warm. After they left I just read the rest of the day and Nancy put together a huge pot of Zuppa des Cana(Italian potato soup) man did that ever taste good of course before we ate soup Nancy fried up an egg plant as an appetizer. Well not much else is going on, LATER.

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